From the "Orders" Home Page, the "In Progress" window shows you a list of important, in-progress tasks that are specific to your orders. You can click on any of the five boxes here to be taken to a page to work on that area.
Current Estimates: The count of estimates created in the last 60 days, and the total potential revenue if all estimates are converted.
Unscheduled Approved Orders: The count of any approved orders that have yet to be scheduled, and their total potential revenue. Click here for more information on how to use the order approval feature.
Declined Orders - Last 30 Days: The count of declined work orders in the last 30 days, and their total potential revenue.
Ready To Invoice: The count of work orders that had a scheduled past appointment (with no further appointments scheduled in the future) and are ready to invoice, and their total potential revenue. This section helps you identify orders that are ready to invoice, or the order was cancelled/postponed and not properly removed from the schedule.
Unpaid Invoices: The count of invoices that are still awaiting payment and the total accounts receivable remaining to be collected.